
10 Steps To Help A Father Win Child Custody

The last thing you thought you would do after saying "I do" is go to court to fight for child custody with your wife. However, here you are. As a father who has been there, I can tell you that it's not the easiest thing in the world. However, I have put together the top 10 things I and others have done to win child custody and I'm sure they will help you in your situation as well. Using all or even some of these strategies will bring the judge the evidence he or she needs to determine what is best for your child.1.Subscribe to Flying angry bird parenting magazines and read all the books you can about parenting. Then, when you go to court you can show the judge a large box full of what you've been studying and how prepared you are for parenting your child. air swimmers Not only will it look good in court, you'll gain a wealth of knowledge in the process.2.Talk to local hospitals and churches and see if there are any parenting classes taking place in your area. Enroll yourself in some parenting classes and learn all you can. Keep a file of what classes you have taken. Again, this will show the judge YOU are prepared to raise your child.3.This should go without saying, however. NEVER miss a chance to spend time with your child and NEVER miss a sporting event or school function. Enough said.4.If you are a smoker, quit. We all know smoking is bad for us anyway and the judge will have a hard time placing your child in your home if he/she knows you're a smoker and it could potentially harm your child. This may sound flakey, but second hand smoke is no good for anyone. (I smoked for 14 years before I quit). There's no better reason to quit than for your child, so just quit.5.NEVER say anything bad about your wife around your children, no matter how bad you think she is. It's not healthy for your child and the judge will frown on you for doing it. 6.Get affidavits from your friends, family and church members describing your character. An affidavit is notarized by an official Notary of Republic as well. What somebody else says about you is 1,000 times more powerful than what YOU say about you. I had over 20 affidavits when I went to court and the judge was well pleased.7.Get pictures and videos of you parenting your child-NOT just playing together. Show pictures of you doing homework, reading stories, reading the Bible and saying prayers. These are things most parents do anyway; you're just getting a picture to show the judge that YOU are doing them too.8.Let's face it. The dad usually makes more money than mom does. So use that remote controlled flying shark to your advantage. After all, how can SHE provide a good quality of life for your child when she makes so much LESS than you do? Again, use what you've got to your advantage.9.Keep a log of everything said between you and your wife and tape the phone conversations you and your wife have. In most states only ONE person needs to know the conversation is being taped. Refer back to number 5; NEVER say anything bad about her.10. Do as much research as you can on the internet about getting child custody in your state and fathers winning child custody. It will only help you prepare for your day in court. There are many counselors and online programs to learn from so please use them to your advantage.If you follow these 10 easy steps, you'll be much more prepared for court than your wife and the judge will recognize your efforts. These 10 steps will take a little time and effort, but the payoff will be well worth it. Don't forget to do your research online and read as many books and programs as you can on the subject. Good luck.

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