
Is Mobile Marketing A One Way Or An Interactive Process

Mobile marketing in its broadest of definitions is marketing communication via a mobile device, which to the uninitiated may just mean that users receive a bulk advertising message on their mobile phones. That would indicate that it is a one way process and it really couldnt be further from reality. Mobile marketing is an interactive process in the true sense of the word and heres whyMobile marketing actually comprises of a wide variety of SMS services and is most definitely a two-way process. The mobile user sends an SMS to Ipod accessories a short code or number starting with a predefined keyword and they receive a text back with the requested information. A user could be requesting a mobile discount coupon, some information about a new product; they could be entering a competition, adding their vote to a poll and so on. The possibilities are endless and thats what makes mobile marketing so versatile and fascinating and very, very popular. People like choice and they enjoy interaction and thats what mobile marketing is all about.Traditional marketing was based on simple, one-dimensional adverts with cheesy messages; like billboards that smiled out at the consumer from a great height. It has now evolved into multidimensional, interactive marketing that allows the user greater choice, more control over the products they buy and the services they employ and so much more say in where they shop, how they shop. Smart consumers are no longer passive viewers of traditional advertisements but are instrumental in the process of advertising primarily by their interaction in the process.Mobile marketing is making Android Phones its mark because it is demanded and it is wanted by the consumer. In this busy world in which we live, almost everyone has a mobile device thats switched on 24/7, checked frequently and has a multitude of uses. Apparel Accessories It is the perfect tool to reach consumers with a message; consumers of every age and demographic. Mobile marketing companies also provide companies the platform to allow opt-in databases, so that the relationship between them and their consumers can be ongoing. This marketing is truly a two-way process. If you need further convincing, the best way to find out is to trial it for yourself.

